makeSource provides Contentlayer with the schema and configuration for your application.


The code calling makeSource should be placed in contentlayer.config.js.

// contentlayer.config.js

import { makeSource } from '@contentlayer/source-files'

export default makeSource({
  /* options */




Path to where the content lives, relative to the root of your project.


export default makeSource({
  contentDirPath: 'content',

This would load content from a content directory in your project.


An array of paths that Contentlayer should include, with the following conditions:

  • They can be either files or directories.
  • The paths need to be relative to contentDirPath or absolute.
  • An empty array means that all files in contentDirPath will be included.
  • Glob/wildcard patterns (e.g. using *) are not supported yet.

This is useful when you have content spread across multiple directories in your project.

Default: []


This would target only content in the docs directory, while using the default for contentDirExclude (see below).

export default makeSource({
  // ...
  contentDirPath: '.',
  contentDirInclude: ['docs'],


An array of paths that Contentlayer should explicitly exclude, with the following conditions:

  • Setting this option completely overrides the defaults.
  • They can be either files or directories.
  • The paths need to be relative to contentDirPath or absolute.
  • An empty array means that all files in contentDirPath will be included.
  • Glob/wildcard patterns (e.g. using *) are not supported yet.

This is useful when you want to ignore a specific file or directory within your main content directory.

Default: ['node_modules', '.git', '.yarn', '.cache', '.next', '.contentlayer', 'package.json', 'tsconfig.json']


This ignores only the content/internal-docs directory, but targets all other content files in the content directory.

export default makeSource({
  // ...
  contentDirPath: './content',
  contentDirExclude: ['internal-docs'],



Your schema definitions for your project. See defineDocumentType for usage.


Specify remark and rehype plugins.


  • remarkPlugins
  • rehypePlugins


Here's an example that adds syntax highlighting with highlight.js (don't forget to add the css file somewhere e.g. from CDN).

import { makeSource } from '@contentlayer/source-files'
import highlight from 'rehype-highlight'

export default makeSource({
  // ...
  markdown: { rehypePlugins: [highlight] },

Taking over the remark pipeline

Under the hood, Contentlayer uses its own remark/rehype pipeline, and the plugins specified above are added after the preset plugins (for remark: remarkFrontmatter, remarkParse, and remark2rehype, and for rehype: rehypeStringify). However, if you need full control of the pipeline (e.g. to add allowDangerousHtml to the remark2rehype plugin so that HTML is not stripped from markdown, you can specify a function instead of an object:

export default makeSource({
  // ...
  markdown: (builder) => {
    // other remark plugins as you wish
    builder.use(remark2rehype, { allowDangerousHtml: true })
    // other rehype plugins as you wish
    // rehype to html


Follows the same pattern as the markdown option, but for MDX processing.


  • remarkPlugins
  • rehypePlugins


import { makeSource } from '@contentlayer/source-files'
import highlight from 'rehype-highlight'

export default makeSource({
  // ...
  mdx: { rehypePlugins: [highlight] },


Provides the ability to manipulate how fields are written when parsing the content source.


  • bodyFieldName (default: body): Name of the field containing the body/content extracted when the body type is markdown or mdx.
  • typeFieldName (default: type): Name of the field containing the name of the document type (or nested document type).


export default makeSource({
  fieldOptions: {
    bodyFieldName: 'content',
    typeFieldName: '__typename',


Specify date options. Currently only supports:


Callback to run after a build completes successfully. It has access to all the content through the provided asynchronous importData method.


import { makeSource } from '@contentlayer/source-files'

export default makeSource({
  onSuccess: async (importData) => {
    const { allDocuments } = await importData()
    console.log('allDocuments', allDocuments.length)

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Last edited on April 01, 2024.
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